Thread: Old Boards
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Old 07-01-2015, 07:07 PM   #1
Good Grief
your voice is a weapon
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Vicki Lotz
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So I know that the majority of us have been around the vB forum world a while and we've known each other from lots of other boards in the past. What ones have you been a part of? What was the first forum you joined? Interested to see how many of us overlap without even realizing

I think the first board I joined and was really active on was probably Charmed: the Prophecy. That was where I first started RP'ing... where I learned how to RP honestly LOL I was in the fgb and made it all the way to level 5. When the WWD moved over to Midnight-Shadows I hung around for a little bit but wasn't that active

From C:tp I made my way over to Charmed-Boards where I met A LOT of people. And that's where I spent most of my time for years before it died down. Then I made my circuit through all of Jax's boards... I was also on Cryptic Realm, for those who remember! And for several years I was on the hp board Toujours-Pur too until it died out as well, not sure who was around there. It's crazy to think of 9 years of being around forums, wow!

if you're gonna hit me, hit me harder

cause you better knock me out the first time