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Old 05-04-2017, 05:55 PM   #75
Steve Rogers
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Nathalie Emmanuel

Medford Resident

February 9th

Ethical Hacker


Loud music
Building computer
Hot chocolate
Boston summers
Buzzfeed Quizzes
Skinny dipping

House music
Reality Television
Frat Boys

Growing up in London, Billie’s life was nothing to talk about. She grew up in a mixed racial home to people who weren’t even married. Her mother wasn’t interested in the concept of marriage and her father was too busy to really care, so for as long as Billie lived with them, she was just not interested in being a part of their silent war with each other. Billie didn’t hate her parents, she just didn’t really care about them the way a child should. After all, the only thing they really did for her was pay her school fees and give her money to have a life of her own and do whatever she wanted. She stayed out of their way and never got into trouble, which helped. Billie knew that the last thing any of them wanted was her dragging them down to school and making a scene. The best way to get their attention was to do exactly that, but unlike a lot of the rich spoilt kids at her school, Billie didn’t want anybody to notice her.

Most of her school life she stayed under the radar and even when she started tinkering with the computers, they didn’t pay much attention. It was a process, learning how to hack and get into that world, but Billie did it slowly and carefully. She didn’t want anyone to be able to track her down and figure out what she was doing. In fact, she was being so careful that she started forgetting simple things about what she had done days ago. But it was fun, the learning process made it very exciting. By the time she was 16, Billie had managed to build her own computer and she found different ways to bypass all the ways in which she could get caught. Her parents still had no idea what Billie was up to, and she wanted to keep it that way.

While college was something that her parents would pay for, Billie wasn’t really interested in that whole process. If anything, she just wanted to do her own thing. So with whatever money she got from her parents, Billie moved out of the house and in with some friends. They had a huge apartment that was perfect for like a million people and Billie figured that living there would make her life better. It did, but it also introduced her to a wild party lifestyle that was confusing at first. Billie had no problem with drugs and booze and random sex, but she didn’t understand how people could just do it all without limits. But she managed to find a balance between the partying and the hacking to make enough money for a living.

Billie knew that eventually she’d get caught, but it wasn’t like she was doing any illegal hacking, she was just poking her nose in where it didn’t belong and then making a run for it. While it wasn’t the cops of MI6 that came knocking, it was still someone who she knew would get her into a lot of trouble. They did threaten her and Billie knew that the right thing to do was to just admit her guilt and see where it took her. Obviously she didn’t see the offer landing on the table. Apparently Billie would be a perfect candidate for some ethical hacking, she could work for big corporations that needed to make sure their servers and firewalls were secure and she could make a lot of money that way. They also assured her that by working for them, her name would never end up on the list of hackers that the FBI, CIA and all those other acronyms would be watching. Now that was incentive. That and the fact that she’d get paid a lot of money.

Obviously there was a catch - she had to move to America. While Billie wasn’t totally against it, the idea of leaving her friends and starting over just sounded so hard and complicated. But the pros were outweighing the cons and it was decided that she would move to the States within three months. Billie didn’t even tell her parents what was going on, she figured that if they were interested, they could get in touch with her. It was as simple as that. So she gathered all her things and with her computer, hopped on a plane for Boston.

Having never set foot outside of England, Billie was shocked by America. It wasn’t that different from London, really, except for the accents, words they used, the way they carried themselves and the fact that she was constantly surrounded by idiots. Then again, Billie was surrounded by idiots in London as well. But it was still a change of scenery and took her a while to adjust. The party life was way bigger and more intense in Boston than she thought was possible and Billie kept getting sucked into raves and loud situations where she couldn’t even hear herself think. Between that and dealing with men in suits every single day, she was starting to regret her decision. However, she had adjusted to life in America and Boston was turning out to be a really great place to be.

She’d made lots of friends, had a lot of good contacts for parties, drugs and the like, she did some unethical hacking on the side because it paid well, but for the most part, Billie is still the same. She finds that wild parties are too much for her and people who can’t control their booze or drug intake should really be locked up and never let out. Billie knows that lecturing people on limits is the last thing any of them want, but she feels like it’s the only way she’s going to really help these people. Then again, nobody understands what she’s saying apparently, because her accent is too thick. Americans.

submitting a bio earlier?

all because of you, i believe in angels
not the kind with wings. no, not the kind with halos
the kind that bring you home, when home becomes a strange place