09-18-2016, 04:11 AM
and your ivy grows
Award Winner /
Thomas | Colchester |
| 55,295 posts |
no, you don't know me anymore Hey everyone.
I figured a proper introduction was in order. I’m Erika and I helped found this place, but that seems like forever ago, honestly. I left the board rather unceremoniously last October (to put it mildly) for mental health reasons that were far worse than I thought when I left. After a misdiagnosis, shifting my mental health team, and getting everything sorted meds wise, I feel free and clear for the first time in my life! I look forward to getting reacquainted with everyone and to showing up free and clear and totally present as my actual self for the first time ever. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 
I’m a PhD student in Art History and a spiritual mentor to young (in age and in awakening) healers, empaths, and intuitives. I spend most of my time working with fabulous women to help them shift to a more positive, empowered place and build flourishing businesses as healers. It’s incredibly fulfilling work, and when I’m not doing that, I’m looking at hospital art collections.
In my spare time, I love to read and discover new things on Netflix. Had my heart ripped apart by Homeland, and I’m currently makin’ my way through Narcos and House of Lies. I also still watch beauty videos on Youtube like a mofo.
I look forward to reconnecting with everyone and getting to know those of you who may have joined over the last year.  |
my house of stone, your ivy grows and now i'm covered in you |