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Old 07-03-2013, 12:53 PM   #11
Codex's Avatar
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Hi Matt! I think my favourite has to be a toss up between VII, and X! Crisis Core and XIII are up there too. I'm not that great an FF fan as I've only played a few games but the ones I have, I loved. Looking forward to XV!
Old 07-03-2013, 01:51 PM   #12
Space Oddity
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Hi Bex, I'm Shadow, and I'm pretty sure I've seen you around before. Just not sure where. XD I'm a boring American who doesn't know one video game from another and the only place I've ever been in the UK was London, but we do seem to like a lot of the same TV shows and stuff! Anyone who puts Harry Potter and Doctor Who on their list of cool things is okay in my book. Welcome to HoM! Hit me up for plottage or just to chat sometime if you feel like it.

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Old 07-03-2013, 02:35 PM   #13
heavy metal & reflective
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Bex haaaay, it's Elly! Welcome to HoM And I have to say, I loooove your avatar choice, so fierce And I really should take time to finish Crisis Core, oopsie. And I'd like to add that XV looks fantastic as well - hopefully a release date will be announced soon lol! But anyway, it's so lovely to see you here, we should definitely plot together or something. I hope to see you around the boards
Old 07-03-2013, 05:11 PM   #14
Heart Out
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Hiiii Bex! Welcome to HoM I'm Rochelle, and I'm from the other side of the planet haha. I feel like I recognise your name... you weren't on Perfect Ending at any point? It closed down around September last year (holy crap, has it really almost been 12 months already?!) and then we all came here!

I'm not too into scifi myself, but I can always have my arm twisted if something is tempting enough If you ever want to plot together, shoot me a PM!

Old 07-03-2013, 05:22 PM   #15
Brianna Randall
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I think I already know you, possibly from other boards. Anyway welcome to HoM, great to have you here.

Old 07-03-2013, 06:56 PM   #16
Love Me?
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You never told me you were joining, or that you had joined!! (Way to find out by stumbling on your intro thread!)

Hii. I might slightly know you.

You'll find people here are super friendly and lots of the rpgs are fun and interesting to sink your teeth into. I'm sure you'll find your way around no problem, and you know where I am if you need anything, including plots.


~ Nadya

Old 07-03-2013, 06:58 PM   #17
hoper of far-flung hopes
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Hi Bex! Welcome to the board! I'm Meg. You seem awesome based on your taste in TV shows, haha. If you're an HP person I assume you're going over to LCDM at some point? ;) Either way, feel free to hit me up to plot anytime in whatever game!
Old 07-03-2013, 07:10 PM   #18
no body, no crime
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Hi Box! Welcome to HoM! I don't know if you remember but we sort of know each other xD Anyways, hi! Enjoy the site!

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And shatters in my hand
Old 07-04-2013, 04:26 AM   #19
Daenerys Stormborn
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Originally Posted by Codex View Post
Hi Matt! I think my favourite has to be a toss up between VII, and X! Crisis Core and XIII are up there too. I'm not that great an FF fan as I've only played a few games but the ones I have, I loved. Looking forward to XV!
X would be my second favourite, followed by IX! You have good taste If you'd like to plot in any of the games, feel free to PM me!

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Old 07-04-2013, 09:14 AM   #20
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Thank you for the warm welcomes! I look forward to seeing you all around and maybe plotting! For those wondering if you've seen me anywhere, it's possible although I've never really been active on any RP board but Toujours Pur and Bohemian Movement for a wee bit before it disappeared. I'm Bexie on TPB and was Red Robin on BM. (Was supposed to be like the DC character and I realised too late it was also a burger restaurant. Sigh.) I think I briefly joined PE, can't remember if I introduced myself but then I wussed out, 'cause I suck. I'm also on Great Hall if anyones on that (Remus Lupin) and Something Wicked (Charlie Bradbury). I think that's about it! I recognise a whole bunch of you lot, whether it was from bumping into each other on boards I'm on or from me lurking PE and the like, so I hope I get to know you all better!! Oh also I've been mistaken for two completely different Bex's in the past so yeah, maybe it's that also

Nadya: <3 I hope we can come up with some plots somewhere! I'll be back on skype when I get my new laptop so I'll come stalk you! I wasn't even sure I was gonna join in here, I sort of joined just to see the games Then suddenly had a moment of bugger it, I'll post! It's good to be on an rp site with you again since you're my rp guru so looking forward to this!

Elly: Yaaaay! You should finish CC! Although I kinda only finished it once even though I've played through it more than that. I stop at the end because the ending is so sad and I generally don't want to have to go through it all again! And yes definitely for plotting!

Meg: Hi! Yeah I might end up in there at some point, it's probably a safe bet since most of what I know about rpgs comes from playing HP ones!

Heidi: Of course I remember you! Hope we can maybe get to know each other a bit more this time around!

Matt: I really need to play IX! I have XIII-2 to finish at the moment, then XII is next on my list after that. So many games to get through, so little time!

Lindsey: If you're the Lindsey I'm thinking of, then yeah I reckon I know you! I'm a bit terrible at recognising people though I do believe we've crossed paths a couple of times though!
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