House of Madness
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Old 04-10-2016, 07:59 PM   #1
Jason Todd
hush up, constable
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227 posts
Hey darlings!

I'm actually the worst at this, but regardless, my name is Bri. I'm twenty-three (almost twenty-four) in the est and my day job is being a mom. I guess that makes it my all the time job though, which is why my posting times will seem all over the place on any given day. My daughter will be five months in a few months and is actually the cutest thing ever. No bias.

Anyways, I spend a lot of time watching tv and reading because there's not much else you can do with a baby. I watch just about anything but my favorites are Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow (are you sensing a theme?), Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, and Shadowhunters. (There's more, I'm sure of it.)

Otherwise, I've been rping for nine years or so? I started on proboards before moving to invisionfree and jcink, so vbulletin is very new to me. I love character creation and development and I'm super excited to get started on plotting and writing!

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