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House of Madness illium → Conversation Between illium and Brianna Randall

Conversation Between illium and Brianna Randall
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Brianna Randall
    07-30-2013 08:51 PM
    Brianna Randall
    Oh, I'm sorry, I thought someone had, but yes definitely sounds good.
  2. illium
    07-28-2013 05:26 PM
    no, i didn't find someone for the plot idea i had in mind, i suppose someone picked up ra because they had other ideas for him! but no worries, we can still plot of course
  3. Brianna Randall
    07-25-2013 06:40 PM
    Brianna Randall
    No worries, glad you found someone.
  4. illium
    07-23-2013 02:35 PM
    so someone already picked up ra in second life & i decided to have my request thread deleted - but thanks for offering to help out
  5. Brianna Randall
    05-30-2013 11:48 PM
    Brianna Randall
    HELLO .

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