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House of Madness Love Me? → Conversation Between Love Me? and illium

Conversation Between Love Me? and illium
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. illium
    06-20-2013 08:58 PM
    Aw, Demma LOL! And posted

    Yay, but I have to work, I can never find someone to cover for me
  2. Love Me?
    06-20-2013 09:43 AM
    Love Me?
    yay for demma. or whatever their ship name is!

    curse your family being loud. bah. but yay for your almost-birthday.
  3. illium
    06-19-2013 11:49 PM
    working on a post for emma now! it's hard to concentrate since my family is deciding to be loud today -_-
  4. Love Me?
    05-03-2013 07:13 AM
    Love Me?
    I have LIs for all my characters except April, who is the Auror in Training. but I have space to make someone if you want to plot something with some students?
  5. illium
    05-02-2013 09:09 PM
    yeps i wanted a free space (even though i can make as many characters as i can handle) i just honestly didn't feel inspired with her, but i am thinking of making another student - do you need a male? ;D

    and i haven't started on my ministry guy yet, but once i get a good sense about him, i'll let you know
  6. Love Me?
    05-02-2013 08:26 PM
    Love Me?
    did you drop rosen?
  7. Love Me?
    04-30-2013 10:55 PM
    Love Me?
    well I meant it could be in a more..."let me use you for your ministry connections" sort of way because any handsome guy batting his eyelashes and she's his for the taking pretty much.
  8. illium
    04-30-2013 04:37 PM
    i think a friendly way would work since i have an LI with him in the works through rochelle - but! i have two new girls coming in, one is a wandmaker and the other, i'll definitely have her in the ministry - but i will come back to you on that, i'm not sure which department to put her in
  9. Love Me?
    04-27-2013 04:25 AM
    Love Me?
    haha, ash is trying to get himself kicked out of school so idk if he really takes the time to make many friends along the way. but I'm sure they know each other and could scene sometime to see how they get along. I have April Moon who's an Auror in Training, and very ditsy, so maybe your new character could come into contact with her and could do something with her. either in a friendly way or could get her to do stuff she wouldn't normally do. she's easily brainwashed especially by a handsome guy flirting with her.
  10. illium
    04-26-2013 08:43 PM
    ooh, your ash and my rosen are in the same year and house so they have to know each other somehow! perhaps as friends, what would he think of her? also, i'm making an adult male (unspeakable) - i think being in the dept. of mysteries is going to tamper with his mind or something and an adult female (patience marseilles), not sure what i'm doing with her!

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