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Old 06-20-2013, 04:31 AM   #11
Lady Levine
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Today started early for a conference call with our head office in Germany for this huge project we are doing. I knew it was ging to be hell when we are in a group Skype and one of the German's asks "Can we do this meeting in German" Ummmmmmmmmm NO. So he tells my boss that he can translate for me... so you wanna make a 3 hour call into a 6 hour one? So my boss is like, "Well is there anyone on that side that doesn't speak English? No? Okay guess the meeting is being conducted in English..."

Starting to wonder how long I have to work for the company before I should consider learning a bit more than the basic hi, bye, thanks, love you, and shit like that....


You're such a hard act for me to follow
Love me today don't leave me tomorrow, yeah
But if I fall for you, I'll never recover
If I fall for you, I'll never be the same
Old 06-20-2013, 07:54 AM   #12
Black Magnolia
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We have an autistic girl in the company and she is non verbal and extremely stubborn. I can see why you get frustrated. Sometimes they just shut down and there's just no getting through. It has everything to do with over stimulation. It's a sensory disorder and its extremely tricky to deal with. I have to keep this client focused on one thing at a time to keep her on track when I work with her. It's the only way I can get her to do anything. I mostly deal with clients that have seizure disorders and cerebral palsy. There's a kid with down syndrome in the company, but I haven't had the pleasure of working with him.

As an aid we are qualified to pass meds. Most of the time its easy as long as we follow the regimen, but there a lot of cattyness among alot of the other staff and there's one that I suspect would be calculated enough to do it on purpose. However... It was an easy fix... Just some mixed up cards. It could have been very serious had I not caught it. It just makes me mad how careless people can be. Like seriously... These aren't pets or toys. They're people!
Old 07-03-2013, 02:07 PM   #13
Twilight Reverie
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I need to bitch somewhere.

So, my last car decided to break down on me for the first time 3 days after I graduated. 300 dollars later, I thought I'd be fine, but then the engine and transmission both died weeks later, so had to buy a new car. I've had this car for a month (A MONTH), and I got a flat tire last night. To top it off, all the wheels were locked, and I didn't have a key for them, so I had to get towed 20 miles. I've been towed THREE TIMES IN TWO MONTHS. THIS IS NOT OK.

This all couldn't wait to happen until after my trip? Not when I'm trying to save money?!?

We are rooted deep in the darkness
And keep growing towards the light
Old 07-16-2013, 11:34 PM   #14
n/a posts
you guys, I was being a gross asshole and stuck cereal up my nose to bother my sister and now it's stuck!

I've tried blowing it out and it won't budge. I can't pick it out because it's a cocoa puff and fills up the whole nostril.

I don't want to crunch it and get crumbs in my nose. I am supposed to be a mature 25 year old guys.

Eff my life.
Old 12-06-2013, 09:47 AM   #15
no body, no crime
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Personal frustration. I need to man up or something,

Cause I don't wanna face my crush tomorrow.

I just so happen to work with him. The other day my supervisor Randi was asking all the girls who the hottest guy was (cause were girls and tbh, there are more female workers than male there and only Ines and I like like girls). Hands down, Jason is. Buuut, I like Travis. Ines knows (and Valesha among others who don't remember me saying anything) and now Randi does. WELL Travis heard that someone has a crush on him and Randi would not tell him. Thank god Ines didn't either since she was in the room. But he guessed that it might be me. Great. Ines asked if he liked if girls asked guys out, or if he would ask a girl out. He said it didn't matter. Well, were both like super shy when it comes to that. Me cause I'm a virgin, and him cause he has been declined so many times.

ANYWAYS, now I'm sort of being pressured to ask him by everyone. Well not everyone but a lot of people. I'm too fucking chicken to do it. Ines even offered to double date with herself and her fiancée Yazmin (and Taylor said she'd be the fifth wheel which could be awkward but sort of hilarious). I just don't have to courage to do it. And if he asks me, I know I'll get all flustered and weird.

What do I do? Like omg I'm so nervous and scared and ahhhh I wanna scream and possibly never go back to work ever again.

And the glass of my intentions turns to sand
And shatters in my hand
Old 12-08-2013, 02:51 AM   #16
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I am beyond sick right now. I just found out the man who raped me got married. I haven't seen him in years and the last time I did it was really bad for me. I don't know if he was honest with his wife about what he did to me but it makes me sick to know that he's married.
Old 04-19-2014, 09:15 AM   #17
no body, no crime
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I'm pissed at how rude people are! Work has been such a nightmare. We are located in a bad part of town and always have rude customers and crackheads. People think they can walk all over you when you work at a thrift store. We make it nice and easy for people to shop but then they fuck the store up so the next person doesn't get that luxury. Filling up carts, leaving clothes in the wrong places, stealing our stuff, abusing our restrooms, being rude to the workers. All of that is so disrespectful! Whenever we try to be assertive and do our job, people call us the rude and disrespectful ones! If we ask you to use a fitting room cause your cart is full, please do! Other people want to see what you decide not to buy. When we announce our store is closed (which we technically are not supposed to do but have to), go to the front! Don't continue to shop then bitch at us when we ask you to go up to pay. Just because you don't want to go home, doesn't mean us who slave all day don't want to! I can't believe the nerve of some people.

I love my coworkers but all this disrespect and rudeness makes me not want to work there anymore. I shouldn't have to walk into the store before my shift and be instantly pissed and disgusted by certain people. It fucking sucks.

And the glass of my intentions turns to sand
And shatters in my hand
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