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Old 09-11-2014, 01:51 AM   #21
mon couer
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Personality: ENFP
Variant: Turbulent
Role: Diplomat

Famous ENFPs: Robert Downey, Carol Burnett, Meg Ryan, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Alicia Silverstone, Andy Rooney, Franz Joseph Haydn

I am surprised but a lot of it makes sense for me. I am not super outgoing however parts of me live for that emotional connection. People will randomly open up to me and I love that!

This is very much me, I have misread signals SO many times!
The ENFP personality type needs to be careful, however - if they rely too much on their intuition, assume or anticipate too much about a friend's motivations, they can misread the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple. This kind of social stress is the bugbear that keeps harmony-focused Diplomats awake at night. ENFPs are very emotional and sensitive, and when they step on someone's toes, they both feel it.

ENFPs will spend a lot of time exploring social relationships, feelings and ideas before they find something that really rings true. But when they finally do find their place in the world, their imagination, empathy and courage are likely to produce incredible results.
-Curious (ALWAYS)
-Observant (mmm sometimes! i am a space cadet.)
-Energetic & enthusiastic (most of the time yaaas)
-Excellent communicators (95% of the time)
-Know how to relax (oh hell yeah)
-Popular & friendly (def friendly, popular as in everyone knows my name? yes but of course not everyone will like me xD)

-Poor practical skills
-Difficulty focusing
-Stressed easily
-Highly emotional
-Independent to a fault

ALL of the weaknesses are spot on. >.<

At least I can say RDJ and I have stuff in common. And Robin still not over it. *sniffles*

do you dance?

of course, i dance. what is the point of life without dancing?
Old 09-11-2014, 07:04 AM   #22
Daisy Johnson
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Bahaha. Angel shares traits with RDJ. I knew there was a reason I liked her.

And we have an E!!
Old 09-11-2014, 07:16 PM   #23
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Angel, we're only separated by the I and E. No wonder we are A+ friends!

you're mistaking all my mistakes for my crooked nature
Old 09-12-2014, 01:46 AM   #24
Chaos Theory
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Personality: ESFJ
Variant: Turbulent
Role: Sentinel

People who share the ESFJ personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular - which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, ESFJs continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.

Discussing scientific theories or debating European politics isn't likely to capture ESFJs' interest for too long. ESFJs are more concerned with fashion and their appearance, their social status and the standings of other people. Practical matters and gossip are their bread and butter, but ESFJs do their best to use their powers for good.


ESFJs are altruists, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Unlike their Diplomat (NF) relatives however, people with the ESFJ personality type will base their moral compass on established traditions and laws, upholding authority and rules, rather than drawing their morality from philosophy or mysticism. It's important for ESFJs to remember though, that people come from many backgrounds and perspectives, and what may seem right to them isn't always an absolute truth.

ESFJs love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. This is especially apparent at home, and ESFJs make loyal and devoted partners and parents. ESFJ personalities respect hierarchy, and do their best to position themselves with some authority, at home and at work, which allows them to keep things clear, stable and organized for everyone.


Supportive and outgoing, ESFJs can always be spotted at a party - they're the ones finding time to chat and laugh with everyone! But their devotion goes further than just breezing through because they have to. ESFJs truly enjoy hearing about their friends' relationships and activities, remembering little details and always standing ready to talk things out with warmth and sensitivity. If things aren't going right, or there's tension in the room, ESFJs pick up on it and to try to restore harmony and stability to the group.

Being pretty conflict-averse, ESFJs spend a lot of their energy establishing social order, and prefer plans and organized events to open-ended activities or spontaneous get-togethers. People with this personality type put a lot of effort into the activities they've arranged, and it's easy for ESFJs' feelings to be hurt if their ideas are rejected, or if people just aren't interested. Again, it's important for ESFJs to remember that everyone is coming from a different place, and that disinterest isn't a comment about them or the activity they've organized - it's just not their thing.

Coming to terms with their sensitivity is ESFJs' biggest challenge - people are going to disagree and they're going to criticize, and while it hurts, it's just a part of life. The best thing for ESFJs to do is to do what they do best: be a role model, take care of what they have the power to take care of, and enjoy that so many people do appreciate the efforts they make.

Famous ESFJs:
Bill Clinton, William McKinley, Jennifer Garner, Tyra Banks, Danny Glover, Nancy Kerrigan, Sally Field

my house of stone, your ivy grows and now i'm covered in you
Old 10-05-2015, 04:41 AM   #25
Chaos Theory
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LOL at me being the last person to do this and having to post an update.

I took the actual Myers-Briggs test today - the full one that gives you all 96 questions and really explains the subsets of each personality type and I found out that I'm actually an ISFJ as opposed to an ESFJ. This makes sense because I am comfortable in settings where I know that I'll have something to contribute, but take me out of my bubble and I feel like a fish out of water. I also prefer having a few close friends than casting a wide social net (so many water-based metaphors today).

Here was my summary:

ISFJs have a realistic, practical respect for facts and are thorough and conscientious. Extremely dependable, they are devoted to following through on their responsibilities. They are loyal, steady, and committed to creating a harmonious environment. They value home, family, health, and spirituality.

Characteristics of ISFJs
• ISFJs are committed and steady in meeting their obligations.
• They are mainly interested in the realities they perceive with their five senses.
• ISFJs are guided by their personal values.
• They are committed to preserving and celebrating traditions.
• ISFJs honor commitments to others.
• They focus on what people need and want.
• They often put the needs of others—especially family members—ahead of their own.
• ISFJs are uncomfortable with confrontation and will go a long way to accommodate others.
• They are loyal and considerate, and they notice and remember specifics about those important to them.

ISFJs at Work
• ISFJs often choose careers in which they can combine their careful observation and their caring for people, such as in the health professions. Other fields attractive to them are teaching, office work, and occupations that provide services or personal care to others, such as flight attendant, hairdresser, and personal trainer. Because of their concern for accuracy and organization, ISFJs approach their tasks with practical judgment and appreciation of what works and often move into supervisory roles.
• ISFJs are less content in jobs that require them to use detached logic to analyze a situation or build models or theories to explain things.

Potential Blind Spots for ISFJs
• If ISFJs have not developed their Sensing preference, they may rush into judgments and actions without considering new information.
• If they do ignore important facts, they may pursue their goals unyieldingly and not adjust to new information when necessary.
• If they have not developed their Feeling preference, ISFJs may not have reliable ways of dealing with the world; they may retreat to their inner world, becoming silently absorbed in their memories and impressions.
• They may also have difficulty communicating their internal sensory impressions of a person or event.
• ISFJs may be somewhat suspicious of imagination and intuition and may not take them seriously.

The weaknesses are so spot on (as is the rest of it, but I do need to work on my Sensing preferences)

my house of stone, your ivy grows and now i'm covered in you
Old 10-16-2015, 08:14 PM   #26
Black Magnolia
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ENFJ - The Protagonist
Variant: Assertive
Role: Diplomat

ENFJs are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, ENFJs take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.


Tolerant – ENFJs are true team players, and they recognize that that means listening to other peoples' opinions, even when they contradict their own. They admit they don't have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.

Reliable – The one thing that galls ENFJs the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in. If it's possible, ENFJs can always be counted on to see it through.

Charismatic – Charm and popularity are qualities ENFJs have in spades. They instinctively know how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow them to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint – whatever the situation calls for. Talented imitators, ENFJs are able to shift their tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining their own voice.

Altruistic – Uniting these qualities is ENFJs' unyielding desire to do good in and for their communities, be it in their own home or the global stage. Warm and selfless, ENFJs genuinely believe that if they can just bring people together, they can do a world of good.

Natural Leaders – More than seeking authority themselves, ENFJs often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of their strong personality and positive vision.


Overly Idealistic – People with the ENFJ personality type can be caught off guard as they find that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against them and defy the principles they've adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. They are more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté.

Too Selfless – ENFJs can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren't careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone.

Too Sensitive – While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for ENFJs to take it a little too much to heart. Their sensitivity to others means that ENFJs sometimes feel problems that aren't their own and try to fix things they can't fix, worrying if they are doing enough.

Fluctuating Self-Esteem – ENFJs define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they'd help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.

Struggle to Make Tough Decisions – If caught between a rock and a hard place, ENFJs can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.

Famous ENFJs

Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Oprah Winfrey, William Cullen Bryant, Abraham Maslow, Sean Connery, Ben Affleck, Francois Mitterrand, Tommy Lee Jones, Michael Jordan, Matthew McConaughey, John Cusack, “Daenerys” from Game of Thrones
Old 11-18-2015, 10:56 PM   #27
Spencer Reid
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I'm INFP like Sera, I think?

at the same time

in a different universe
Old 11-18-2015, 11:10 PM   #28
no body, no crime
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It looks like done this before. I have recently done it again and gotten INFP. So I'll have to brush up on INFP.

Originally Posted by New Americana View Post
Alright it's been awhile since I've done this. Here goes.

I got ISFP (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception).

Famous ISFP's are Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Kevin Costner, Britney Spears, John Travolta, Elizabeth Taylor, Christopher Reeve, Donald Trump, Marie Antoinette.

- Sensitive and observant (agree)
- Charming and open-minded (idk about charming)
- Artistic (agree)
- Imaginative (agree)
- Curious (eh sorta agree)
- Passionate and enthusiastic (agree)

- May have low self-esteem (agree)
- Difficulties in the academic environment (totally agree)
- Gets stressed easily (totally agree)
- Very competitive (don't really agree, sorta do)
- Unpredictable (don't really agree)
- Fiercely independent (sorta agree)

- ISFPs tend to be very sensitive, emotional individuals, but they do their best to hide such traits from the world—and for a good reason. There are few other types that are more vulnerable to criticism, conflict, and adversity in general. However, ISFPs can also be incredibly warm and enthusiastic if their partner is willing to accept them for who they are.
- ISFP personality type need to know that their love and attention are valued and appreciated. The ISFP is unlikely to ask for this, but they may feel frustrated and disappointed if their partner does not make efforts to express their feelings. Such an expression does not necessarily have to be verbal—ISFPs believe in actions, not words—but it is crucial that ISFPs know that their feelings are being reciprocated.
- ISFP friends tend to be laid-back and spontaneous, enjoying life in the present and not worrying much about long-term plans or serious debates.
- It is also important to remember that despite their casual and laid-back lifestyle, ISFP personalities are still Introverted. Even though they know how to relax among their friends, ISFPs are likely to be very private or even shy when meeting someone new. This is their natural protective mechanism; people with this personality type are very sensitive and may be reluctant to open up at first.
- In the workplace, ISFP personalities tend to seek roles that allow them to express their creativity without enforcing strict rules or limiting their freedom in some other way. ISFPs are known for their unpredictability, spontaneity, and charm. They are genuinely fun people to be around, even though their traits are not always appreciated in the workplace.
- Tolerant and friendly, but also very sensitive in the workplace
- Usually dislike being in a leadership position
- Need to know that their work is valued

Everything I posted I agree with 100% It's unbelievable how perfect this was.

And the glass of my intentions turns to sand
And shatters in my hand
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